September 17, 2019Type of ShuttlecocksAt our club we use nylon shuttlecocks for all our training sessions, social games and competition games.
September 11, 2019Play Badminton Club Competition 2019On 4 September 2019 we had 18 of Play Badminton Club’s members participate in the first competition for the club. What a fantastic adrenaline pumping event […]
August 23, 2019Dipali talks about our club!Dipali, a regular club member for over 3 and a half years, shares her experience about our club!
August 12, 2019Jason & Riya have their say!Jason & Riya, both regular players at our club have their say about the club!
August 8, 20195 Facts about BadmintonAs our club celebrated 5 years, here are 5 interesting facts about Badminton which you may or may not know!
August 4, 2019Dipesh & Dhruv have their say!Dipesh & Dhruv, both regular players at our club have their say about the club! Yikes!! Hope they say something nice!
August 2, 2019Club ValuesOur club shares the values of Haydon School! This is why our club has been playing so long at Haydon School! its a great partnership! Excellence […]
July 29, 2019Happy Birthday!Play Badminton turned 5 Years Old on 30th June 2019!! Wow! We cannot believe its already been 5 years! We started out playing at Cedars Youth […]
July 26, 2019New Website!Play Badminton Club is super excited to announce our new website is now up and running! Well it has to be, if you are reading this!! […]