Our story
We are huge Badminton fans!!
Thanks for stopping by and wanting to learn a bit about the club history.
Little did we think that back in 2014, when a few friends got together to play badminton on a weekly basis, that we would end up running a club which now has over 150 regular players each month!
The really great news is that many of the old friends from back in 2014 still come and play regularly at our club. We are sure through badminton our friendships will last a lifetime.
To anyone who hasn’t tried badminton, we would say, just come along and try a session at our club! You will love badminton and will soon be hooked into playing regularly!! Plus you will make many new friends at our local, friendly, social badminton club!
- Ashish & Bhavni
2014Friends playing
We started playing Monday evenings at Cedars Youth & Community Centre near Hatch End for an hour. Initially, we were just a few friends playing regularly, but the Monday session didn’t work for many of us and we also wanted to play a bit longer.2015New venues
So after some searching we partnered up with Haydon School and St. Helen’s School, both near Northwood and Northwood Hills, to run sessions on Wednesday evenings. Our numbers started growing as soon friends or friends started coming and enjoying playing badminton.2016Growing membership
As the number of players grew, we started playing two sessions a week - on Monday and Wednesday evening.2017More players & sessions
We soon we had added a third session to our weekly line up, as the number of played continued to grow.2018First website
With the growing number of players and weekly sessions, we created our first website, to help put all the information in one place.2019First club competition
With the growing player base, we held our first ever internal club competition. We had great participation from many members and feedback was great, and soon it was decided that we will hold an annual competition in the club.2020COVID lockdown
Due to the global COVID-19 pandemic, for many months our club was closed as we were not allowed to hold sessions.2021Limited sessions following COVID
Again, for several months we did not hold any club sessions, due to COVID-19 lockdown rules. Towards the second half of the year, as the COVID rules were eased, we re-started our club sessions. There was great demand from the local community to get back to physical and sporting activity, so our membership grew very quickly.2022Back to "normal"
Following COVID lockdowns, we are now back to "normal" in terms of holding regular sessions. To meet the demand of sheer number of people wanting to play badminton, we very rapidly expanded our sessions to play six days a week across four different venues. Our current membership is in access of 150 regular players.2023Tree planting
A part of our CLub's environmental project, we planted 16 fruit trees at Haydon School.2024Vegan League & Children's Competition
In 2024, we started the Vegan Badminton League and also held our first Children's Badminton Competition.