South Oxhey
Our newest venue!
South Oxhey Leisure Centre offers a modern leisure complex with gym and fitness classes, a recording studio and practice area, plus a cafe.
- Two courts
- Free car parking
- Changing rooms
- Gym
- Cafe
Address & Map
South Oxhey Leisure Centre
Gosforth Lane
WD19 7AX
There are two courts in the main sports hall at South Oxhey Leisure Centre with an excellent wooden flooring. The main entrance to the sports hall is via Reception. There is a fire exits clearly marked leading to the outside grounds.
Fire Safety
Session helper will ensure all players follow fire exit (1) or main entrance (2) to assembly point (A).
DO NOT take any sports equipment/bags with you.
At assembly point (A), all players MUST report to session helper & their names will be ticked off against attendance register.